Expert from Faculty of Dentistry of University of Hong Kongis invited to School of Stomatology for Academic Exchange


On the afternoon of October 15, 2018 Dr. Wang Haiming, Clinical Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor in Paediatric Dentistry, from Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Hong Kong was invited to School of Stomatology of our university for academic exchange, delivering a lecture titled “An Example of Knowledge Exchange: Dental Age Assessment”. The lecture was hosted by Professor Wang Yuanyin, Vice Dean of School of Stomatology.

Dr. Wang Haiming emphatically introduced the application of the dental age assessment in knowledge exchange, elucidated the ideas for designing research topics, and talked about the application of dental age assessment in the service of special groups and the contributions it made to the society.
Dr. Wang’s wonderful lecture broadened the academic vision of the teachers and students, aroused their interest and awareness in research, helped to promote their sense of innovation, academic competence and research capability, thus creating a better academic atmosphere and offering the direction of guidance for the students majoring in stomatology. Dr. Wang’s visit was also beneficial for our school to deepen the cooperation in research and talents cultivation with Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Wang Haiming also works as the Director in Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics in Hong Kong Prince Philip Dental Hospital, FIDC in Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in UK, FHKAM, FCDSHK (Paed Dent),Member of Royal College of Dentistry of Australia and New Zealand (Paed Dent), and Registered Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry in Hong Kong.
More than 300 teachers and students from School of Stomatology attended and listened to the lecture.