Four Grasps for the New Semester


On the afternoon of August 29, 2018,the preparatory meeting for the upcoming fall semesterwasheld. Li Jun, Secretary of Party Committee of Anhui Medical University, hosted the meeting and made a summary speech. Cao Yunxia, President of AHMU,outlined the preparations for the new semester and the priority work inthe next half year. Other leaders attending the meeting and giving instructions were Liu Qunying, Zhu Qixing, Chang Yejun, Yu Yongqiang and Xiao Shenglong.

Li Jun conveyed the essentials ofthe special session for theparty secretaries of the universities in Anhui Province, pointing out the requirements to implement the spirit of the session and to accomplish the duties of the new semester. He emphasized the Four Grasps at the meeting. The first is to grasp the theme of high-quality development and accelerate our career with all efforts. The second is to grasp the motivation of reform and innovation and make newachievements constantly. The third is to grasp the guideline of being accountable and continue to improve the work style. The fourth is to grasp the great projectof Party-buildingand firmly guarantee the development of the university.Preparations for the new semester in each department must be done in advance, and the staff must beready to devote themselves to all the work, requested by Li Jun.
Cao Yunxia put forward clear demands on the preparatory work for the new semester and the priority work in the next half year. As was requested, the staff should be dynamic and cohesive to focus on the keywork, effectively accomplishall the objectives, and make progress instability.
The leaders of all departments summarized the work in the summer and presented the work plans for the newsemester.