Young Teacher of AHMU Publishes Paper in Internationally Renowned Academic Journal


Recently, Associate Professor Shao Wei from the School of Basic Medicine of AHMU published a research paper titled Prp5−Spt8/Spt3 interaction mediates a reciprocal coupling between splicing and transcription in an internationally renowned academic journal Nucleic Acids Research (Chinese Academy of Sciences ranking Q1; IF:11.147) as the lead author with Prof. Xu Yongzhen from Wuhan University and Prof. Charles C. Query from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (US) as corresponding authors.

This research finding has changed the traditional research model of “one-way coupling” in this field, and clearly revealed a more elaborate mechanism of “reciprocal coupling” between splicing and transcription. It is recommended by the journal to be published as a “breakthrough article” (1-3% of all articles published), which fully affirmed the breakthrough made by Shao’s team in the studies of coupling mechanism between gene transcription and RNA splicing.