Cao Yunxia Attends the China-ASEAN Cooperation and Exchange Conference for Scientific Research and Education


On November 25, 2020, the China-ASEAN Cooperation and Exchange Conference for Scientific Research and Education (InnoSTRE) & the Opening Ceremony for the ASEAN Tour Exhibition of the Belt and Road Universities was held offline in Malaysia. President Cao Yunxia attended the opening ceremony online and delivered a speech titled “China-ASEAN Anti-epidemic and Medical Cooperation” via video. Vice President Lyu Xiongwen also attended the opening ceremony online.


In the speech, Cao Yunxia reviewed the China-ASEAN cooperation history, introduced in detail the anti-epidemic cooperation between China and ASEAN, analyzed the necessities and problems of in-depth medical cooperation between the two parties. She pointed out that the new opportunities of China-ASEAN anti-epidemic medical cooperation grew during the period when we joined together to overcome difficulties, thus having broader cooperation space and prospect.


Cao Yunxia also briefly introduced the development of our university and the achievements obtained in scientific research, foreign exchange, fight against the pandemic, and other fields. Combining the ideas of “Qi (instrument), Shu (technique), Fa (method), Tao (law of nature)” in Chinese traditional philosophy, Cao proposed that we should increase the exchange of medical supplies, expand financial support, achieve cooperation in medical technology and scientific research as well as data sharing, jointly build a public health security prevention and control system and public health cooperation mechanism, strengthen political mutual trust and cooperation intentions.

At the opening ceremony, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg — chief minister of Negeri Sarawak, Malaysi a— and Cheng Guangzhong —consul general for China in Kuching — unveiled the nameplate for the “China-ASEAN Cooperation Centre for Medical Education and Scientific Research”.
This international cooperation and exchange conference, with the theme of “Post-epidemic International Cooperation in Scientific Research and Education”, was co-hosted by the Asia Belt and Road Culture and Education Cooperation Promotion Association, Anhui Medical University, Universiti Teknologi Mara (Malaysia), and Phuket Rajabhat University (Thailand). The conference and exhibition include 2 large international conferences, 1 ASEAN international cooperation and special admission conference for the exhibitors, 10 exhibitor-and-ASEAN admission promotion conferences. The conferences will be held online and offline in 92 days.
More than 150 members, including governments, universities and secondary schools in China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei and other ASEAN countries attended this conference.