AHMU Professor Publishes a Paper in an Internationally Renowned Journal


Recently, Wang Changqing, an associate professor from School of Biomedical Engineering of AHMU, published a paper titled Relaxivity-iron calibration in hepatic iron overload: Reproducibility and extension of a Monte Carlo modelin the internationally renowned academic journal NMR in Biomedicine as the lead author.AHMU is the unit of the lead author and professorDiego Hernando, Wang Changqing’s co-adviser, is the corresponding author.


In this study, the author made a quantitative analysis after constructing the virtual liver tissue model and synthesizing magnetic resonance simulated signal, built the Monte Carlo model and further extended the model with multiple spin echo (MSE) imaging.This study verified the reproducibility of Monte Carlo model at 1.5T and 3.0 T, getting the results consistent with the previous simulation research and clinical research.

NMR in Biomedicine, founded in 1988 and owned by Wiley, is reported to be an internationally renowned journal in the area of biophysics, nuclear medicine and spectroscopy. A wide range of articles are accepted by this journal, including magnetic resonance spectroscopy, imaging method and their application in physiology, biochemistry, biophysics and medicine.